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KPS – Knihopis Database managed by The National Library of the Czech Republic represents electronic version of publications Knihopis českých a slovenských tisků od doby nejstarší až do konce XVIII. století. Díl II. (editors Z.V. Tobolka, F. Horák, B. Wižďálková), Praha, 1939-1967 and E. Urbánková Soupis prvotisků českého původu, Praha, 1986. This database registers bibliographic descriptions of Czech lingual early printed books published between the years 1501-1800 and also bohemical incunables printed at the area of Czech.

Predecessor of the KPS was database Knihopis-Digital founded and administered by the Cabinet for Classical Studies of Institute of Philosophy of The Czech Academy of Sciences. This database was taken by the Department of Manuscripts and Early Printed Books of the Czech National Library in March 2015 and from March 2016 is the main part of project Knihově Portál k dějinám české knižní kultury do roku 1800. KPS Database cooperates with Department of Historical Bibliography of Academy of Sciences Library. For the next informations about KPS please visit the Information about basis.

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